Sensorial Studio

These Projects are about influencing the senses.

Interpretive Piece

This piece was a partner project based on the quote,

“Deep shadows and darkness are essential, because they dim the sharpness of vision, make depth and distance ambiguous, and invite unconscious peripheral vision and tactile fantasy.” – The Eyes of the Skin by Juhani Pallasmaa

My goal was to accomplish the effects of the blurred vision of the space surrounding the words.

Image created By Mitchell Maxwell and Ali Khalaf

The piece felt pretty flat and not so dynamic and therefore not as engaging. I then opted for a video view of the project that also could capture a message in the words.

From here I was tasked to include a different piece into my project. The project that I was given was another student’s work which was trying to capture the idea of touching light. Taking my previous work and his previous work I created a new video.


This project the goal was to take a verb, in a context, to create an Adjective. The Verb that I took was “to Spray.” I interpreted this a little broadly where I used both a spray bottle and a couple of aroma diffusers to create a mist of smoke that were then sprayed into the space both beneath and above the layer of rocks and prism shown in the video.

To Spray, Of Refraction, Luminous

Touchable Beauty

This installation was based on the quote:

“All the senses, including vision, are extensions of the tactile sense; the senses are specializations of skin tissue, and all sensory experience are modes of touching and thus related to tactility…Touch is the sensory mode that integrates our experience of the world with that of ourselves.” – The Eyes of the Skin by Juhani Pallasmaa

Because in architecture we often look to the visual of a space; I wanted to step away from that. I tried to strip away all visual connection to the space and promote a different set of eyes to see the space. In a way this space is what a blind person would see. And trying to experience the Architecture of a space created a different view of the space in a way that they would not have seen the first time. The goal was to have them experience the space first without sight and then allow them to see the space afterwards and let them judge the space after having a new idea of what beauty is.

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